Recovery (pictures)

This was our first look at Emily's new face. She's in the recovery room just after surgery. She came out of the anesthesia quite peacefully and they brought her to her room in Pediatrics about an hour after we took this shot. They discharged Emily on Tuesday morning because she'd been eating well and seemed relatively comfortable on just Tylenol every four hours. Unfortunately, she stopped eating when we got home and we needed to bring her back on Tuesday night (much to my dismay). We spent another night in the hospital. Thank god for Shelley Cohen, the speech pathologist on the team. She got Emily to eat so they didn't need to put her on an IV and she taught us how to feed her. We just needed to get more forceful about it and after she took a couple of bottles and had wet diapers all day on Wednesday they let us go.
Here's a couple of pictures from today.

We are still having difficulty getting Emily to eat. She pretty much chokes down every bottle unless she's really hungry. She had about 18 ounces of formula all day today - hopefully she'll eat better tomorrow. More later...
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